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Electrospun nanofibers for personal protection in mines

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Dust in mine poses a huge threat to miner's health. Through a comprehensive review of the research of different types of coal dust, we summarize the highly efficient dust control/protection methods in this paper, including spray dust fall, chemical dust suppression, coal seam water injection, dust collector removal, and individual protection. Furthermore, we discussed the challenges in the above methods, highlighting that personal protection strategy can effectively prevent the respirable dust, thereby reducing the probability of pneumoconiosis. Via a critical study of various current personal protective materials, we arrived that nanomaterials, especially the electrospun nanofibers, are potential candidates for personal protection in coal mines due to the advantages of simple technology, high efficiency, low resistance, controllable structure, the potential for reusability, and long life.

矿尘对矿工的健康构成巨大威胁。 通过对不同类型煤粉尘研究的全面综述,我们分析报告了本文中高效的粉尘控制/防护方法,包括喷雾降尘,化学粉尘抑制,煤层注水,除尘器除尘和个体防护。 此外,我们总结了上述条件的挑战,强调个人保护策略可以有效地防止可吸入粉尘,从而降低尘肺的可能性。 通过对当前各种个人防护材料的研究,我们得出纳米技术,尤其是电纺纳米纤维,因其技术简单、高效、低电阻、安全性、可控的结构,并且可重复使用、使用寿命长等优点,导致这种材料成为煤矿中个人防护应用方面的强有力的候选者。

Electrospun nanofibers for personal protection in mines

Published: 2021


Impact Factor:10.652


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