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How to fabricate activated carbon as nanofilter media for SO2, CO2, and CH4 adsorption

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Distribution of particulate matter (PM), toxic, and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are responsible for air pollution, human health issues, and enhanced global warming. Traditional polymeric nanofibers only can remove PMs from air flue. The objective of this study was to investigate the adsorption capacity and selectivity of hybrid nanofibrous filter media based on polyacrylonitrile (PAN) with different percentages of activated carbon particles such as gas adsorbent for removal of sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4) from gaseous streams The adsorption isotherms of SO2, CO2, and CH(4)on the hybrid samples were measured at 298, 323, and 348 K and with a pressure range of 0-21 bar by means of the volumetric adsorption method. Uniform PAN nanofiber filter (PANNF) with an average diameter of 273 nm was achieved via the electrospinning process after the optimization of different parameters. Waste tea-derived activated carbons (ACs) by using phosphoric acid as the activation agent was synthesized through two different methods, chemical activation to obtain the micro size of AC (MAC), and microwave radiation energy to obtain nano size of AC (NAC). Hybrid nanofibers were functionalized with dispersing homogenous solutions containing AC particles by the electrospray process. The effect of high and low loading of NAC and MAC on the PANNF surface was studied to increase our understanding about gas adsorption properties of prepare samples. The samples were characterized by Image analysis (ImageJ), Statistical package for social science (SPSS), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), Energy-Dispersive x-ray (EDX), and Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms.

大气中颗粒物(PM),有毒气体和温室气体的分布是造成空气污染,人类健康问题和全球变暖加剧的主要原因原因。传统的聚合物纳米纤维只能从烟道中去除PM。这项研究的目的是研究基于聚丙烯腈(PAN)的杂化纳米纤维过滤介质的吸附能力和选择性,该介质具有不同百分比的活性炭颗粒,例如用于去除二氧化硫(SO2),二氧化碳(CO2)的气体吸附剂,气体中的甲烷和甲烷(CH4)在298、323和348 K且压力范围为0-21 bar的条件下,通过体积比测量了杂化样品上SO2,CO2和CH(4)的吸附等温线吸附法。在优化不同参数之后,通过静电纺丝工艺获得了平均直径为273 nm的均匀PAN纳米纤维滤光片(PANNF)。通过两种不同的方法合成了以磷酸为活化剂的废茶衍生的活性炭(ACs):化学活化获得AC的微尺寸(MAC),微波辐射能获得AC的纳米级(NAC)。 杂化纳米纤维通过电喷雾工艺通过分散含有AC颗粒的均匀溶液进行功能化。研究了NAC和MAC的高低负载对PANNF表面的影响,以加深我们对准备样品的气体吸附特性的了解。通过图像分析(ImageJ),社会科学统计软件包(SPSS),扫描电子显微镜(SEM),X射线衍射(XRD),傅立叶变换红外(FT-IR),能量色散X射线对样品进行表征(EDX)和氮吸附/解吸等温线。

Fabrication of polyacrylonitrile hybrid nanofiber scaffold containing activated carbon by electrospinning process as nanofilter media for SO2, CO2, and CH4 adsorption

Published: 2021


Impact Factor:2.116

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