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Process Evaluation of the Metal-Organic Frameworks for the Application of Personal Protective Equipment with Filtration Function

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Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have been regarded as an ideal material for the development of functional textiles with filtration function. Such functional textiles with filtration function can be further used to develop personal protective equipment, such as protective masks. This paper focuses on the comparisons of different processes when applying MOFs to conventional textiles. Two different processes existing in the literature, namely the electrospinning method and hot-pressing method, are discussed in this paper. Materials loaded with MOFs developed with these two processes are evaluated and compared, regarding the adsorption of dyes in water and the removal of pollutants. Experiment results indicate that the hot-pressing method is more advantageous when applying MOF to textiles, in terms of adsorption and removal efficiency.

金属有机框架(MOF)被认为是开发具有过滤功能的功能性纺织品的理想材料。 这种具有过滤功能的功能性纺织品可以进一步用于开发个人防护设备,例如防护口罩。 本文着重将MOF应用于常规纺织品时不同过程的比较。 本文讨论了文献中存在的两种不同的过程,即静电纺丝法和热压法。 评估并比较了用这两种方法开发的装有MOF的材料,它们涉及染料在水中的吸附和污染物的去除。 实验结果表明,在纺织品上应用MOF时,热压法在吸附和去除效率方面更具优势。

Process Evaluation of the Metal-Organic Frameworks for the Application of Personal Protective Equipment with Filtration Function

Published: 2018


Impact Factor:7.641

Paper link: https://pubs.rsc.org/--/content/articlelanding/2018/en/c8en00468d/unauth#!divAbstract


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