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Antibacterial and antiviral nanofibrous film with nanonet structure for biological protection

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The recent outbreak of a coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has posed a great threat to public health and financial system. Most current masks used to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are typically absence of biocidal properties. We designed a novel polymer, polystyrene grafted by 5, 5-dimethylhydantoin and trimethylamine (PSDT), which possesses halamine site and cationic quaternary ammonia salt site. Furthermore, PSDT/PU nanofiber@net membranes (PSDT/PU NNMs) were obtained by electrospinning technology. Our strategy enables inherent N-halamine and quaternary ammonia salt (QAS) group to be covalently integrated into membranes, realizing the efficient and stable biocidal properties. Meanwhile, the introduction of nanonets endows electrospun membranes with prominent air filtration performance. The resulting membranes exhibit integrated properties of high interception of fine particles (96.7%) and low pressure drop (95.4 Pa). Besides, chlorinated PSDT/PU nanofiber@net membranes (with active chlorine content of 0.60 wt% and quaternary ammonia salt content of 2.20 wt%) exhibited superior bactericidal (>99.9999%) and virucidal (>99.999%) efficiency in a short time (2 min), which enables chlorinated PSDT/PU NNMs to be served as the filtration material by providing bacterial interception (99.77%) and contact killing against pathogens. The successful synthesis of PSDT/PU NNMs provide innovative insights for exploring filtration materials in a nanonet and biocidal form.

最近爆发的冠状病毒病(COVID-19)对公共卫生和金融系统构成巨大威胁。大多数用于防止COVID-19传播的当前口罩通常没有生物分裂性。我们设计了一种新型聚合物,聚苯乙烯由5、5-二甲基丹托因和三甲胺(PSDT)嫁接而成,具有卤胺位点和天体第四纪氨盐位点。此外,PSDT/PU nanofiber@net膜(PSDT/PU NNM)是通过电纺技术获得的。我们的战略使固有的N-halamine和四元氨盐(QAS)组能够并入膜中,实现高效稳定的生物节制特性。同时,纳米网的引入赋予了具有突出空气过滤性能的电孢膜。由此产生的膜具有高截获细颗粒的综合特性(96.7%)和低压下降(95.4帕)。此外,氯化PSDT/PU nanofiber@net膜(活性氯含量为0.60 wt%,四元氨盐含量为2.20wt%)展示优越的细菌 (>99.9999%)和维鲁西达尔 (>99.999%)效率在短时间内(2分钟),使氯化PSDT/PU NNM通过提供细菌拦截(99.77%) 作为过滤材料接触杀灭病原体。PSDT/PU NNM 的成功合成为探索纳米网和生物剪刀形式的过滤材料提供了创新见解。 

Antibacterial and antiviral N-halamine nanofibrous membranes with nanonet structure for bioprotective applications

Published: 2021


Impact Factor:4.915

Paper link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2452213921000449#sec2


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