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Tree-like nanofiber film: Fabrication and applications for air and water treatments

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Gaining an insight into the creatures generated by nature can provide an effective way to imitate nature and create new materials and structures. Plants are nature's creation that cover the earth, which not only possess the most important process for sustainable life on earth via photosynthesis, but also have excellent water transport systems, through which underground water can be transported against gravity from the roots all the way up to the leaves. In this chapter, multiscaled tree-like nanofiber membranes (TLNMs) are prepared by tailoring the properties and processing parameters of polymer solutions via electrospinning. The effects of salt type, salt content, and processing parameters on the morphologies and properties of TLNMs are investigated. A possible mechanism for the formation of TLNMs is proposed by image analysis of the spin jet using a high-speed camera. TLNMs possess extremely small pore sizes, large specific surface areas, and excellent mechanical properties. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) TLNMs and PVDF-graft-poly(acrylic acid) TLNMs fabricated by electrospinning are also highlighted in this chapter. Electrospun TLNMs are promising materials for air/liquid filtration, catalysis, heavy metal ion adsorption, electrochemistry, and oil/water separation fields. This study opens a new way for the preparation of bionic specially shaped nanofibers using a one-step electrospinning method and broadens the application field of electrospun nanofibers.

深入了解大自然的生物可以开发一种有效的方法来模仿自然并创造新的材料和结构。植物是覆盖地球的自然界的创造物,不仅具有通过光合作用实现地球可持续生命的最重要过程,而且还具有出色的水传输系统,通过该系统,地下水可以逆着重力从根部一直传输到叶子。在本次报告中,通过静电纺丝定制聚合物溶液的性质和工艺参数,制备了多尺度的树状纳米纤维膜(TLNM)。研究了盐类型,盐含量和加工参数对TLNM形态和性能的影响。通过使用高速相机对自旋射流进行图像分析,提出了形成TLNM的可能机制。 TLNM具有极小的孔径,大的比表面积和出色的机械性能。本文章还重点介绍了通过静电纺丝制造的聚偏二氟乙烯(PVDF)TLNM和PVDF接枝聚丙烯酸丙烯酸TLNM。电纺TLNM是用于空气/液体过滤、催化、重金属离子吸附、电化学和油/水分离领域中利用价值高的材料。该研究为一步法静电纺丝制备仿生异形纳米纤维开辟了一条新途径,拓宽了电纺纳米纤维的应用领域。

Electrospun tree-like nanofiber membrane: Fabrication and applications for air and water treatments

Published: 2021

Journal :Electrospun Polymers and Composites

Impact Factor:

Paper link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128196113000145


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